Molding the Future of Healthcare: Opportunities in Medical Manufacturing

Molding the Future of Healthcare: Opportunities in Medical Manufacturing

Cara Walton - Director Wipfli LLP

Cara Walton, Director Wipfli (Harbour IQ) takes over this Makino Experience Center event and takes an in-depth look at the world of medical manufacturing.

As a pivotal component of medical device production, medical molding plays a crucial role in the creation of intricate and specialized components used in various healthcare applications. The presentation begins by examining the current state of the U.S. medical manufacturing industry, providing insights into its size, scope, and potential for growth.

Additionally, Cara will provide an analysis of the current competitive landscape in medical manufacturing is presented, identifying key players, technological trends, and market dynamics helping to shaping the industry and its supply chain. She will also share data from Harbour Results’ recent Manufacturing Pulse Study which gathered feedback and insights from manufacturers currently working in the medical industry. Finally, valuable insights into future opportunities and challenges shops should consider when entering or growing their medical molding business. The presentation equips attendees with actionable insights to capitalize on the evolving landscape of medical manufacturing and arms them with the information to help make better, more informed business decisions.
August 7, 2024
1:30 PM ET

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