Makino Data Collector: Optimizing production processes with data from your machine

Makino Data Collector: Optimizing production processes with data from your machine

Andrew Heldt - Makino, Director of Software Engineering

In today’s competitive manufacturing landscape, optimizing production processes is imperative for staying ahead.

Harnessing data from your machines offers valuable insights into performance, maintenance, and process improvement opportunities. But what is the best way to extract this data from your machine?

In this Makino Experience Center presentation, we will dive into Makino’s Data Collector software which enables data collection from your Makino machines. Furthermore, this presentation will highlight case studies and examples from existing Makino customers who have implemented the Data Collector in their shop.

Join us as we discuss how the Data Collector can help modernize your machine shop and enable you to make data driven decisions.
Thursday, April 11th
1:30 PM ET